
We at JAS Agro have an understanding of the need for green grass as fodder for livestock and hence, JAS Agro ventured into cultivation of Napier grass in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

The Napier grass is scientifically known as “Pennisetum purpureum” and its origin is in the grassland of African continent.

The Napier grass is a tropical grass, which is perpetual in nature; means it has a potential to continuously grow for a longer period upon cultivation. The grass is also known for lesser water and nutrition requirement.

The crop supports as Pest Management, as it can attract pests which attacks plants and can support growth of other important plants. The crop of Napier grass also plays an important role in developing the soil fertility and can help in eradication of soil erosion as well.

The grass grows tall and looks like bamboo field, and it grows in clusters.

JAS Agro utilizes the Stolons of Napier grass to do its reproduction and extend the offspring from the stolons which are above the soil.

The grass has a high production biomass and can be harvested 4 times in a year.

Nutrition value of Napier Grass:
The primary objective to achieve from napier grass is a source of green fodder for the cattle and livestock. The grass contains an approximately 12-15% of protein and is digestible to an extent of 60%.

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